Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Holidays!

 This weekend was amazing in terms of family time. My son had an amazing time poping the fireworks. I went down to my moms for the 4th of July and when we got there they had a suprise graduation party waiting for my fiance and I. It was so sweet and we were showered with gifts. The next day my niece, Alexus(Lexi) came home with us and spent the night with Aden. They were playing all night. Shes 6 and he is 3 so she was complaining about how he was getting on her nerves a little. Probably because he was whining about everything as usual. Eventually his dad got fed up with it and made him go to timeout and when he came out he was acting fine. They both were loving lighting the fireworks( with our supervison of course). So anyway, it turned out to be a pretty good weekend.
  Also, I finally remembered a name of a childhood movie I loved. The Seventh Brother. I have been watching it on youtube all day. Its my guilty pleasure I suppose. What is your favorite childhood movie?


  1. You son is such a doll! i'm glad you guys had lots of fun on the fourth!

    my favorite childhood movie is a tie between "The Little Mermaid" and "Totoro" lol

  2. Your son is so cute, it sounds like you had a great weekend! cheers for having fun with family. My favorite childhood movies were furn gully and kinda a weird one but 12 monkeys I used to love that movie.
